Périphériques haptiques et simulation dóbjets, de robots et de mannequins dans un environnement de CAO-Robotique : eM-Virtual Desktop

This paper presents the development of a new software in order to manage objects, robots and mannequins in using the possibilities given by the haptic feedback of the Phantom desktop devices. The haptic device provides 6 positional degree of freedom sensing but three degrees force feedback. This software called eM-Virtual Desktop is integrated in the Tecnomatix's solution called eM-Workplace. The eM-Workplace provides powerful solutions for planning and designing of complex assembly facilities, lines and workplaces. In the digital mockup context, the haptic interfaces can be used to reduce the development cycle of products. Three different loops are used to manage the graphic, the collision detection and the haptic feedback according to theirs own frequencies. The developed software is currently tested in industrial context by a European automotive constructor.
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