In the field of evaluation research, computer scientists live constantly upon dilemmas and conflicting theories. As evaluation is differently perceived and modeled among educational areas, it is not difficult to become trapped in dilemmas, which reflects an epistemological weakness. Additionally, designing and developing a computer-based learning scenario is not an easy task. Advancing further, with end-users probing the system in realistic settings, is even harder. Computer science research in evaluation faces an immense challenge, having to cope with contributions from several conflicting and controversial research fields. We believe that deep changes must be made in our field if we are to advance beyond the CBT (computer-based training) learning model and to build an adequate epistemology for this challenge. The first task is to relocate our field by building upon recent results from philosophy, psychology, social sciences, and engineering. In this article we locate evaluation in respect to communication studies. Evaluation presupposes a definition of goals to be reached, and we suggest that it is, by many means, a silent communication between teacher and student, peers, and institutional entities. If we accept that evaluation can be viewed as set of invisible rules known by nobody, but somehow understood by everybody, we should add anthropological inquiries to our research toolkit. The paper is organized around some elements of the social communication and how they convey new insights to evaluation research for computer and related scientists. We found some technical limitations and offer discussions on how we relate to technology at same time we establish expectancies and perceive others work.
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