PhantomOS: A Next Generation Grid Operating System


Grid Computing has made substantial advances in the past decade; these are primarily due to the adoption of standardized Grid middleware. However Grid computing has not yet become pervasive because of some barriers that we believe have been caused by the adoption of middleware centric approaches. These barriers include: scant support for major types of applications such as interactive applications; lack of flexible, autonomic and scalable Grid architectures; lack of plug-and-play Grid computing and, most importantly, no straightforward way to setup and administer Grids. PhantomOS is a project which aims to address many of these barriers. Its goal is the creation of a user friendly pervasive Grid computing platform that facilitates the rapid deployment and easy maintenance of Grids whilst providing support for major types of applications on Grids of almost any topology. In this paper we present the detailed system architecture and an overview of its implementation.

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