Roughgarden, Vassilvitskii, and Wang (JACM 18) recently introduced a novel framework for proving lower bounds for Massively Parallel Computation using techniques from boolean function complexity. We extend their framework in two different ways, to capture two common features of Massively Parallel Computation: Adaptivity, where machines can write to and adaptively read from shared memory throughout the execution of the computation. Recent work of Behnezhad et al. (SPAA 19) showed that adaptivity enables significantly improved round complexities for a number of central graph problems. Promise problems, where the algorithm only has to succeed on certain inputs. These inputs may have special structure that is of particular interest, or they may be representative of hard instances of the overall problem. Using this extended framework, we give the first unconditional lower bounds on the complexity of distinguishing whether an input graph is a cycle of length or two cycles of length . This promise problem, 1v2-Cycle, has emerged as a central problem in the study of Massively Parallel Computation. We prove that any adaptive algorithm for the 1v2-Cycle problem with I/O capacity per machine requires rounds, matching a recent upper bound of Behnezhad et al. In addition to strengthening the connections between Massively Parallel Computation and boolean function complexity, we also develop new machinery to reason about the latter. At the heart of our proofs are optimal lower bounds on the query complexity and approximate certificate complexity of the 1v2-Cycle problem.
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