
PSGCNet: A Pyramidal Scale and Global Context Guided Network for Dense Object Counting in Remote Sensing Images


Object counting, which aims to count the accurate number of object instances in images, has been attracting more and more attention. However, challenges such as large scale variation, complex background interference, and non-uniform density distribution greatly limit the counting accuracy, particularly striking in remote sensing imagery. To mitigate the above issues, this paper proposes a novel framework for dense object counting in remote sensing images, which incorporates a pyramidal scale module (PSM) and a global context module (GCM), dubbed PSGCNet, where PSM is used to adaptively capture multi-scale information and GCM is to guide the model to select suitable scales generated from PSM. Moreover, a reliable supervision manner improved from Bayesian and Counting loss (BCL) is utilized to learn the density probability and then compute the count expectation at each annotation. It can relieve non-uniform density distribution to a certain extent. Extensive experiments on four remote sensing counting datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method and the superiority of it compared with state-of-the-arts. Additionally, experiments extended on four commonly used crowd counting datasets further validate the generalization ability of the model. Code is available at

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